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June Events at Stirling Behavioural Science Centre

On the week beginning June 6th, we have a number of events here at Stirling. Please register on the respective pages if you like to participate.

On the 7th and 8th June, we will host a two-day workshop on statistical techniques using STATA. There will be a fee of £100 to cover the costs of this training. 

On the 9th June, our second PhD Conference in Behavioural Science will take place. There is no registration fee. 

On the 10th June, we will hold our 9th and final ESRC Workshop on Behavioural Science and Public Policy. The keynote speakers are Professor David Laibson and Professor Ulrich Witt. There is no registration fee. 

Other helpful links: 

2nd Using Large Publicly Available Datasets for Psychology and Social Sciences research (7th and 8th June 2016)


There are now many publicly available datasets within the UK (such as those hosted by the UK Data Service) and across the world. These data have been collected with the primary purpose of enabling researchers to better understand how people function within the world around them. Although these data-sets are free to access and are commonly used within economics and epidemiology, they remain under-utilized in many disciplines in the social sciences, particularly psychology. This is unfortunate given that many of these datasets contain measures and scales relevant to cutting-edge psychological research, such as personality, well-being, attitudes, behaviour, physical health and mental health. One barrier to unlocking these datasets' potential is having the necessary skills to manage and analyse them. We at the Behavioural Science Centre, Stirling Management School, funded by the Economic Social and Research Council (ESRC), are offering a 2-day training workshops specifically built around these datasets to equip you with the necessary skills, which includes an introduction to the statistical package Stata, to handle them.

Participants will learn advanced statistical methodology to enable them to get the most out of large publicly available datasets. This will include panel data techniques such as understanding and implementing fixed effect and difference-in-difference models, as well as how to implement instrumental variable estimations. This workshop will require that participants have a basic knowledge of handling large datasets and using the statistical program Stata. 

Tuesday June 7th

Wednesday June 8th

09:00  Registration

09:30  Lecture: Difference-in-Difference
09:30  Lecture: OLS & RCTs
10:45  Break
10:45  Break
11:00  Lecture: Matching and other techniques
11:00  Lecture: Instrumental Variables
12:30  Lunch
12:30  Lunch
13:30  Lab Session 3
13:30  Lab Session 1
15:20  Break
15:20  Break
15:30  Lab Session 
15:30  Lab Session 2
17:30  Close
17:30  Close

Further details: the course will take place at Stirling Management School, University of Stirling. At our Behavioural Science Centre we have a number of researchers, including Prof Liam Delaney, Dr Michael Daly (early Career Award recipient, UK Society for Behavioural Medicine), and Prof Alex Wood and Dr Christopher Boyce (joint winners, best paper using GSOEP data resource 2012-2013), with substantial experience using and publishing with these types of datasets. Both workshops are aimed at PhD students but advanced Masters students and post-PhD researchers are welcome to apply. The University of Stirling is approximately 50 minutes by train from Edinburgh, 25 minutes from Glasgow and 5 hours from London. The course is funded by the ESRC and the cost to participants is £100 (in addition to accommodation and transport). There are a limited number of fee waiving scholarships that will be given depending on the strength of the applications and availability.

During this course, we will discuss/replicate* the results of the following publications 
Blundell, Richard W.; Dias, Monica Costa (2008). Alternative approaches to evaluation in empirical microeconomics, IZA discussion papers, No. 3800. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/10419/35767

A. Colin Cameron and P. Trivedi (2005) Microeconometrics: methods and applications. Cambridge university Press. Available at: http://www.centroportici.unina.it/centro/Cameron&Trivedi.pdf . Specially Chapter 25, p. 860-898.
Charles J. Courtemanche; Garth Heutel and Patrick McAlvanah (2011) Impatience, incentives, and obesity. NBER Working Paper 17483, Available at: http://www.nber.org/papers/w17483
Gong, Eric. (2014) HIV testing and risky sexual behaviour. Economic Journal, 125, 32-60. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ecoj.12125/abstract 
Instrumental variables
*Joshua D. Angrist and Alan B. Krueger (1991) Does Compulsory School Attendance Affect Schooling and Earnings? The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 106, No. 4 (Nov., 1991), pp. 979-1014.

*Joshua D. Angrist and William N. Evans (1998) Children and Their Parents' Labor Supply: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Family Size. The American Economic Review, Vol. 88, No. 3, pp. 450-477. Available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/116844
Sascha O. Becker and Ludger Woessmann. (2009) Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124 (2): 531-596. 
*David Card and Alan Krueger (1994) Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast-Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. The American Economic Review, Vol. 84, No. 4. , pp. 772-793. Available at: http://www.nber.org/papers/w4509
Matching on propensity scores
*Rajeev H. Dehejia; Sadek Wahba (1999) Causal Effects in Nonexperimental Studies: Reevaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 94, No. 448., pp. 1053-1062.
Control function
*Matias Cattaneo (2010) Efficient semiparametric estimation of multi-valued treatment effects under ignorability. Journal of Econometrics 155 (2010) 138–154. 

ESRC PhD Studentship to Research at the Centre

See below for a 3-year ESRC funded PhD studentship working with Dr. Michael Daly and I. 

Post Details

PhD Studentship Stirling Management School 
Full-Time with Start Date on October 1st 2016 (with some flexibility)
Closing date: 5pm on 8th July 2016
Salary: Fees plus 14k per annum
Eligibility: Please see details of whether you are eligible to apply on the relevant ESRC website 

The Post

This 3-year PhD studentship, jointly funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and Skills Development Scotland (SDS), is targeted at a highly motivated individual who wishes to work with our team on a study on a project entitled "A Lifespan Approach to Understanding Equality of Opportunity and Career Development in Scotland and the UK" . The successful applicant will conduct their PhD either in Economics or in Business and Management working with Professor Liam Delaney and Dr. Michael Daly of the Stirling Management School Behavioural Science Centre.

Description of Duties

This project will utilise the substantial cohort study data available in the UK to examine the drivers of labour market inequality across the UK with a particular focus on Scotland and differences between Scotland and RUK. The project will apply longitudinal data analysis techniques to examine gender, ethnic, disability, religious and socioeconomic differences in key education and employment outcomes across the life-cycle. We will utilise the National Child Development Cohort Study, British Cohort Study, Understanding Society and other large UK data-sets. We will examine the extent to which inequalities interact with the development of a wide range of hard and soft skills throughout childhood and adolescence, providing key information on the potential importance of such skills to labour market outcomes across the lifespan. We will publish the findings in a range of academic journals in economics, psychology and wider social science. The work builds on our previous SDS-funded project which has published several papers in top-tier journals examining the role of mental health and non-cognitive traits in shaping labour market outcomes. We will continue to disseminate the findings of this work to policy-makers and the wider public through our active social media and workshop programme and in conjunction with the SDS. The PhD student will be guided to work within this project but given substantial support to develop their own independent ideas within the overall topic. Some of the papers below give an idea of the approach our research is taking and potential applicants should read these papers in deciding whether this type of research would be suited to them:

Daly, M., Delaney, L., Egan, M., & Baumeister, R. F. (2015). Childhood self-control and unemployment throughout the lifespan: evidence from two British cohort studies. Psychological Science, 26, 709 - 723.

The successful candidate will enter Stirling Management School as a PhD in Economics and will participate in the Economics DTC pathway. The primary supervisor (Delaney) was PhD Director for the Economics pathway in Scotland for over four years and Stirling is a very active participant in training on this pathway. The student will participate in advanced modules, summer school programmes and masterclasses on this pathway. Stirling is also an active participant on the Business and Management pathway, having received two of the studentships on this pathway in the last two years. On top of pathway training, the student will attend weekly meetings of the Behavioural Science Centre in Stirling and will participate in statistical training and related options being offered locally in Stirling. Our MSc programme in Behavioural Science provides a range of relevant modules and will encourage the candidate to attend modules that are relevant to the completion of the thesis - for example there are modules on behavioural economics and advanced survey and empirical analysis techniques that are designed explicitly to train people for this type of project. The student will also receive mentorship from SDS and will attend seminars and workshops with other SDS-funded PhD students. 

Essential Criteria

Strong intrinsic interest in research at the intersection of Economics and Psychology. 
Ability and willingness to contribute to the intellectual life of the center including participating in seminars, journal clubs, group discussions and related activity. 
MSc training in Economics or Psychology with a strong emphasis on statistics.
Excellent written and oral communication skills.
Ability to work individually and autonomously as well as potential to work as part of a team. 
Some proficiency in STATA and/or SPSS. 

Desirable Criteria

Specific knowledge of techniques for panel data analysis. 
Existing experience directly in the area of statistical analysis of determinants of psychological welfare. 
Evidence of active engagement with the area of behavioural science including student publications, internship experience and social media activity. 
Experience of preparing research papers. 

Additional Information

About the Stirling Management School Behavioural Science Center

Formed in 2012, the Behavioural Sciences Centre is an interdisciplinary research centre which brings together approaches from economics and psychology to address the key questions in society, such as how to better understand and foster economic and industrial prosperity, decision making and behaviour, and health and well-being. The centre pursues these goals through basic science and applied research, educational programmes, and industrial collaborations. Full details of the work of the behavioural science centre at Stirling are available at the website below. We strongly encourage candidates to explore this website.

How to apply: 

Applicants should send a 2-page CV, academic transcripts and a 2-page cover letter to Lisa.Reid@stir.ac.uk before 8th July 2016 at 5pm. The cover letter should set out why you are interested in the project and in working with the behavioural science group at Stirling. Applicants will be notified before the end of May. 

Informal enquires should be addressed to Professor Liam Delaney-Liam.Delaney@stir.ac.uk

April 15th Workshop on Behavioural Science, Measurement and Policy

This workshop addresses innovations in measurement in the social and behavioural sciences. It is the eight and final workshop in our series. We examine a number of key themes in the development of rich measurement tools and pragmatic survey designs including: the integrated use of brief psychometric measures, experience sampling, and wearable devices to measure behaviour, attitudes, well-being and health in a brief-yet-precise manner. In addition, this workshop will consider ethical and privacy considerations, issues of response bias, the extent to which participants will give accurate responses, the potential impact of implementing this measurement in a policy context, and the traits and behaviours that are particularly important to measure in different policy contexts. It will also address problems of statistical inference and publication bias that relate to the presence of widespread secondary data and private researcher decisions. 

Please register here to attend the workshop. Registration is free of charge. It takes place in the Court Room, on the fourth floor of the Cottrell Building in Stirling.

Workshop on Behavioural Science, Measurement and Policy

845 to 915 Registration 

915 to 930 Welcome 

930 to 1015am

Dr. Leonhard Lades (Stirling University)

Measuring self-control in everyday life: Implications for present bias and subjective well-being. 
Abstract: It is difficult to name a problematic behaviour in our lives that is independent of a self-control failure. Accordingly, self-control has received massive attention in economics and psychology. In ongoing research, we combine state-of-the-art theories and methodologies from both disciplines and measure self-control failures in people's everyday lives. Applying this novel approach to measuring everyday decision making, firstly we test whether individual differences in present bias predict self-control failures in everyday life. Secondly, we identify episodes in which study participants have self-control failures and compare subjective well-being across episodes.

1015 to 11am

Dr. Mark McGovern (Queen's University Belfast)

Designing RCTs and Observational Studies to Account for Missing Data not Missing at Random

Missing data is a common feature of both survey data and RCTs, which has the potential to greatly impact on the policy recommendations we derive from empirical studies. Non-response can lead to biased estimates if the characteristics of respondents systematically differ from those who decline to participate. In practice, if any adjustments for missing data are made, they tend to be based on either multiple imputation or inverse probability weighting. Conventional methods such as these all rely on a key assumption: missing data must be missing at random, or missing at random conditional on observed covariates. This is a strong and generally untestable assumption which is unrealistic in many settings, especially where some respondents have an incentive not to participate. An alternative approach, Heckman-type selection models, can be used for dealing with missing data. This method can provide consistent estimates even when the assumption of missing at random does not hold, and respondents systematically opt out of survey participation on the basis of unobserved confounders. Using examples from research on HIV, I illustrate the consequences of imposing an unrealistic missing at random assumption on survey data. I conclude by discussing how to design RCTs and observational studies to facilitate the implementation of this selection model approach.

11 to 1130am Break 

1130 to 1215pm

Professor Marjon Van Pol (Aberdeen University)

Improving the measurement of time preferences

The interest in measuring individuals’ time preferences is growing in both economics and psychology. Time preferences describe individuals’ preferences over when outcomes occur and are a determinant of a range of important life outcomes such as health and education. Surprisingly little attention has been paid to the robustness of the design of the elicitation methods. In standard economic theory, the design of the elicitation method is irrelevant as individuals have fully formed and highly articulated preferences which they can quickly and accurately access and which are not affected by design features. However, evidence from stated preferences methods such as contingent valuation suggests that individuals construct their preferences and may use decision heuristics in experiments. The design of the elicitation method matters in this case and may lead to different policy recommendations. In this paper we test the internal validity of the most commonly used time preference elicitation method, the multiple price list, drawing on insights from the contingent valuation literature.  We test for both an order effect and the effect of a truth telling oath in an online survey. We compare the % of ‘theoretically inconsistent’ responses, response times and average rates of time preference.  The preliminary results suggests a strong order effect and a weaker effect of a truth telling oath.

1215pm to 1pm   

Dr. Daniel Powell (Aberdeen University)

Real-time tracking of state inhibitory control and health behaviour in daily life: an overview of the SNAPSHOT study

Several contemporary theories of health behaviour, including temporal self-regulation theory and the various dual process theories, suggest that variations in cognitive efficiency should have important consequences for health behaviour. However, little research has tested how health behaviours may be influenced by dynamic fluctuations in executive functioning within individuals in daily life. The SNAPSHOT (SNAcking, Physical activity, Self-regulation, and Heart-rate Over Time) study is a 7-day ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study incorporating various wearable devices, including accelerometers, heart-rate monitors, GPS trackers, and a wrist-mounted electronic diary. In a community sample of 68 participants, hourly self-reports of snacking behaviour and – uniquely – objective measures of inhibitory control (the Go/No-Go test) were requested via the diary. This talk will (i) provide an overview of the findings we have in relation to associations between inhibitory control and snacking behaviour, (ii) detail clear individual differences in the contextual correlates of snacking in daily life, and (iii) outline some of the methodological challenges, particularly with the Go/No-Go test.
1pm to 2pm Lunch 

2pm to 245pm 

Dr. Stephan Bruns (University of Kassell)

P-curve and p-hacking in observational research

The p-curve, the distribution of statistically significant p-values of published studies, has been used to make inferences on the proportion of true effects and on the presence of p-hacking in the published literature. We analyze the p-curve for observational research in the presence of p-hacking. We show by means of simulations that even with minimal omitted-variable bias (e.g. unaccounted confounding) p-curves based on true effects and p-curves based on null-effects with p-hacking cannot be reliably distinguished. We also demonstrate this problem using as practical example the evaluation of the effect of malaria prevalence on economic growth between 1960 and 1996. These findings call recent studies into question that use the p-curve to infer that most published research findings are based on true effects in the medical literature and in a wide range of disciplines. p-values in observational research may need to be empirically calibrated to be interpretable with respect to the commonly used significance threshold of 0.05. Violations of randomization in experimental studies may also result in situations where the use of p-curves is similarly unreliable.

245pm to 330pm 

Professor Alex Bryson (UCL)

The Biometric Antecedents to Happiness


Happiness is beneficial to individuals and society. Happier individuals are more productive, more resilient to illness and disease, and live longer. However, little is known about its antecedents and, in particular, its relationship with biometric indicators of wellbeing. What  is known is based largely on cross-sectional data. We contribute to the empirical literature by examining the independent association between various aspects of biometric wellbeing measured in childhood and happiness in adulthood. We find only one of the eight biomarkers we consider predicts happiness in adulthood: serum triglycerides, which are a type of fat found in the circulation, are negatively associated with subsequent happiness. The finding is robust to controls for age, sex, body size, family background, nutritional intake, physical activity, income, education and labour market experiences, as well as other biomarkers measured in childhood. It suggests higher levels of serum triglycerides in childhood can be damaging to one’s happiness in adulthood.

330pm to 415pm 

Dr. David Comerford (Stirling)

Agency: Its role in the measurement of preferences and utility


We distinguish between agentic preference (preference regarding outcomes that the consumer can actively influence); and non-agentic preference (preference regarding outcomes that are passively received). We theorize that agentic preference is informed by the signalling value of endorsing an outcome, and by the reputational value of being responsible for that outcome. Non-agentic preference is not informed by either of these sources of value. Often, policymakers need to measure non-agentic preferences, for instance, when measuring the costs inflicted by an externality. We present experimental evidence that agentic preference orderings over a given choice set can differ systematically from non-agentic preference orderings. We present examples from the literature where agentic preferences are used to infer non-agentic utility, and where non-agentic preferences are used to infer agentic utility. We conclude that our typology of agentic and non-agentic preference can clarify utility measurement.

Workshop on Mental Health, Work and the Economy March 24th

This workshop, which place in Stirling on March 24th, brought together academics across economics, psychology and health disciplines as well as practitioners and policy-makers to examine the emerging literature on mental health, work and the economy. The workshop critically addressed several themes including, but not limited to, the economic determinants of well-being and mental health, the contribution of mental health to life-long economic trajectories, the potential for expansion of the mental health services, and the role of mental health in labour market policy. This workshop is the latest in a series of workshops on well-being and economics that have been held in Stirling in the last few years. Details of the previous workshop held at the Scottish Parliament are available below:


See the twitter hashtag #mhandwork for further details. Also see here and here for detailed relevant readings and links.

The workshop included debate on some of the key questions in the area of mental health and employment, including:

What is the state of empirical evidence on the relationships between mental health and employment? What gaps remain?

How should evidence of relationships between mental health and employment translate into policy?

What ethical considerations does the use of mandatory psychological interventions and the emergence of psychological conditionality as part of workfare programmes raise?

What potential harm might be created by inappropriate use of psychological approaches in work activation settings?

Preliminary Programme:

8.45am to 9am: Registration 

9am to 9.15am: Introduction and Aims 

9.15am to 9.45am: Victoria Mousteri (PhD Student Stirling)

In the aftermath of the Great Recession, the sharp increase in unemployment has given rise to a broad discussion regarding the long-run welfare effects of unemployment. The objective of the current study is to examine unemployment scarring and to test whether unemployment has long-term repercussions for individual well-being. The relationship linking past unemployment experiences to later life satisfaction is identified across ten European countries: Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The analysis is based on a longitudinal, balanced sample created out of the retrospective employment history data of SHARE’s third wave, covering the period from 1970 to 2009, as well as the survey’s contemporary data on respondents’ life conditions collected in 2004-5, 2006-7 and 2011-12. The scarring effect of unemployment on life satisfaction is identified using a linear model estimated with individual random-effects and country level mixed-effects techniques. The estimation results indicate that having gone through one additional six-month spell of unemployment predicts lower life satisfaction by approximately 0.05 standard deviations after the age of 50. The findings also suggest that unemployment experiences acquainted during the sensitive period of one’s early years in the market could have a long-run psychological scarring effect on human welfare. 

9.45am to 10.15am: Daniel Kopasker (PhD Student Aberdeen, with Catia Montagna, and Keith Bender)

The Mental Health Effects of Work-Related Economic Insecurity

This paper estimates the impact of work-related economic insecurity on the mental health of working-age adults in the UK. Data on the mental health of the UK workforce is sourced from the GHQ-12 index within the British Household Panel Survey between 1993 and 2007. By using exogenous fluctuations in economic conditions as an identification strategy, we have been able to support theoretical predictions regarding the direction of simultaneity bias within the economic insecurity and mental health relationship. The results suggest that even at a lower bound of the estimates, work-related economic insecurity has a large, negative, and statistically significant effect on the mental health of working-age males. Consistent with some of the existing literature, the effect is not observed in females. Importantly, the detrimental effect in males is observed regardless of future unemployment outcomes. As such, the welfare loss resulting from work-related economic insecurity represents a largely hidden health cost associated with employment in the UK. 

10.15am to 10.45am: Coffee 

10.45am to 11.15am: Michael Daly and Liam Delaney (Stirling)

There has been a great deal of research examining the effect of unemployment on well-being and mental health. It is now widely agreed that unemployment has costs to individuals in psychological terms that outweigh the associated income and wealth loss. However, a better understanding of the relationship between unemployment and mental health over time is required. As well as being a factor influencing mental ill-health, unemployment may clearly itself be influenced by mental health. The extent to which these relationships build up from childhood through adolescence and into early- and mid-adulthood is a key question which it is necessary to address in order to understand the role of education and employment policies. We utilise a number of large cohort study data-sets from around the world to provide estimates to date of the dual relationship between unemployment and mental ill-health and the factors influencing this relationship. We further examine the extent to which mental health and well-being influences unemployment at different stages of the life course and the business cycle.

11.15am to 12.00pm: Dr. Adam Coutts (Cambridge University) 

The Health and Well-being Effects of Active Labour Market Programmes

1200 to 1245pm: Lunch 

12.45pm to 1.25pm: Dr. Aaron Reeves (Oxford University)

During the 2007–11 recessions in Europe, suicide increases were concentrated in men but also observed among women. Yet, there were substantial differences across countries in how the economic crisis affected suicide rates. This cross-national variation suggests that policy may alter the association between unemployment and suicide. Using suicide data across 20 countries between 1981 and 2011, I examine the aggregate-level association between unemployment rates and suicide rates, as well as potential mitigating effects of alternative forms of social protection and gender equality. As expected, rising unemployment is associated with rising suicides, for both men and women. I also find that some (but not all) forms of social protection spending may moderate the link between unemployment and suicide. Similarly, the unemployment-suicide association is weaker in countries with greater gender equality. Yet, the moderating effect of these policy contexts is greater for men than for women.

1.25pm to 2.05pm Professor Wendy Loretto (Edinburgh University)

Later-life work and employee mental health: a neglected aspect of Extending Working Lives policy agenda?

In the context of population ageing across many economies a focus on extending working life and delaying retirement has come to the fore. Policies typically emphasise the mutual benefits – for societies, for employing organisations and for older employees themselves. However, the (mental) health benefits of working for longer have not been firmly demonstrated. This presentation will draw upon a variety of mainly UK-based studies to cast a critical eye on the ways in which later life working may affect individuals’ health and well-being.  In particular it will aim to differentiate between different subgroups of ‘older workers’ in order to highlight the problems with treating this segment of the workforce as a homogeneous unit.

2.05pm to 2.45pm: Dr. Lynne Friedli (Researcher at Hubbub at the Wellcome Collection)

My paper is concerned with the use of psychological interventions in workfare (work for your benefits) programmes and in the rise of psychological conditionality: the requirement to demonstrate certain attitudes and beliefs in order to receive social security and other benefits, notably cheap food.  A certain psychological fundamentalism, and the discourse of psychological deficit, now dominate the welfare to work industry and, I will argue, contribute centrally to stigmatising (and disciplining) people who are unemployed or receiving income related benefits.  I will reflect on the growing influence of psychology and the role of psycho-policy in formulating and gaining consent for the current regime of welfare reform, as well as the implications of efforts to merge health and employment services.  These developments have been a catalyst for widespread resistance from claimants, mental health and disability rights activists and increasingly, from within the psy-professions.  They raise profound ethical questions which urgently need our attention.

2.45pm to 3.40pm: Panel Discussion