June 10th Workshop on Behavioural Science and Policy

This is the ninth in a series of Behavioural Science Workshops that have taken place from 2014 to 2016. These workshops are funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. The venue is the Stirling Court Hotel at Stirling University. It will take place on June 10th. The keynote speakers are Professor David Laibson and Professor Ulrich Witt. Registration is free and can be accessed at the following link:
Registration link
Venue: Wallace Monument room at Stirling Court Hotel
Registration link
Venue: Wallace Monument room at Stirling Court Hotel
The workshop will be dedicated to the interface between behavioural science and public policy. Researchers involved in the empirical estimation of policy effects and in the understanding and shaping of the theoretical principles that inform policy have agreed to present. A key theme of this workshop will be the measurement and data needs and priorities of those conducting policy research and methods through which key measures such as well-being, preference parameters, personality, and biological measures could be integrated into policy research to a greater extent and the advantages that this approach may yield.
The event will be preceded by a PhD workshop that will take place on June 9th. Details of this area available here.
Provisional Programme
9am: Registration and Welcome:
Intertemporal Choice
9:30am to 10:15am: Leonhard Lades (Stirling): Self-control and inter-temporal choice
10:15am to 11am: Rebecca McDonald (Warwick): Measuring time preferences for non-money outcomes
11am to 11:30am: Coffee
Public Policy
11:30am to 12:15am: Ben Guttman-Kenney (FCA): Behavioural Economics and Financial Regulation.
12:15am to 1pm: Philip Newall (Stirling) Gambling advertising needs psychologically-informed regulation.
1pm to 2pm: Lunch
2:pm to 2:45pm: Seda Erdem (Stirling) Choice Experiments and Behavioural Economics
Keynote Sessions
2:45pm to 3:30pm: Keynote: Professor Ulrich Witt:(Max Plank Institute) The evolution of consumption and its welfare effects.
330pm: Coffee
4pm: Keynote: Professor David Laibson (Harvard): Hyperbolic Discounting: Empirical Estimation, Policy Implications, and Novel Interpretations.
Other helpful links:
Stirling Behavioural Science Centre
2015 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science
Events hosted by the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre
How to get to Stirling
The Stirling Court Hotel on campus
Programme for June 9th PhD Conference (Rooms 2X4 and 2X6 Cottrell Building)
09:00-09:15: Registration
09:15-10:00: Welcome & Introductory Talk by Prof Liam Delaney
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break
10:30-11:30: Session 1
Session 1a: Time Preferences and Health
Alastair Irvine on “Professional and Private Time Preferences of Scottish General Practitioners”
Rowan Tunnicliffe on “Health behaviours, time discounting and risk preferences: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing”
Session 1b: Mindfulness and Compassion
Session 1b: Mindfulness and Compassion
Chris Noone on “Improvements in Critical Thinking Performance Following Brief Mindfulness Meditation Depend on Need for Cognition and Open-mindedness”
Kun Zhao on “Individual differences in Politeness and Compassion differentially predict prosocial behaviours in economic games”
11:30-12:00: Coffee Break
12:00-13:00: Session 2
Session 2a: Mental Health
Caroline Wehner on “The Relationship between Thoughts of Helplessness and Hopelessness and Mental Health”
Ayse Yemiscigil on “Acting on Purpose? Purpose in Life Predicts Physical Activity; Happiness Doesn’t”
Session 2b: Financial Decision Making 1
Claire McCafferty on “Can Behavioural Economics bridge the Consumer Protection gap in the Financial Services industry?”
Belinda Vigors on “Traders’ risk behaviour, evolutionary mechanisms and performance- related pay: insights from a qualitative pilot study”
13:00-14:00: Lunch Break
14:00-15:00: Session 3
Session 3a: Well-being and employment
Victoria Mousterio “Αtypical Employment and Distress: Is working part-time a psychologically harmful experience?”
Tobias Wolf on “Income Support, (Un-)Employment and Well-Being”
Session 3b: Financial Decision Making 2
Zeynep Kutsal on “Easy Loss or Hard Win: The influence of emotions on the ability to identify positive outcomes”
Ujjwal Kumar Das “Financial distress and life satisfaction: a fixed effect quantile regression approach”
15:00-15:30: Coffee Break
15:30-16:30: Session 4
Session 4a: Time preferences and saving
Megan Grime “Inconsistent planning in the allocation of time across leisure and work”
Bernardo Nunes “Workplace pension plans and saving behavior: evidence from the United Kingdom”
Session 4b: Human Resources
Craig Anderson on “Why behavioural economic perspectives in human resource management may be of interest to you?”
Iñigo Hernandez-Arenaz on “Stereotypes and the Gender Wage Gap: Effects of Stereotypes on Tournament Self-Selection
18:00: Dinner
11:30-12:00: Coffee Break
12:00-13:00: Session 2
Session 2a: Mental Health
Caroline Wehner on “The Relationship between Thoughts of Helplessness and Hopelessness and Mental Health”
Ayse Yemiscigil on “Acting on Purpose? Purpose in Life Predicts Physical Activity; Happiness Doesn’t”
Session 2b: Financial Decision Making 1
Claire McCafferty on “Can Behavioural Economics bridge the Consumer Protection gap in the Financial Services industry?”
Belinda Vigors on “Traders’ risk behaviour, evolutionary mechanisms and performance- related pay: insights from a qualitative pilot study”
13:00-14:00: Lunch Break
14:00-15:00: Session 3
Session 3a: Well-being and employment
Victoria Mousterio “Αtypical Employment and Distress: Is working part-time a psychologically harmful experience?”
Tobias Wolf on “Income Support, (Un-)Employment and Well-Being”
Session 3b: Financial Decision Making 2
Zeynep Kutsal on “Easy Loss or Hard Win: The influence of emotions on the ability to identify positive outcomes”
Ujjwal Kumar Das “Financial distress and life satisfaction: a fixed effect quantile regression approach”
15:00-15:30: Coffee Break
15:30-16:30: Session 4
Session 4a: Time preferences and saving
Megan Grime “Inconsistent planning in the allocation of time across leisure and work”
Bernardo Nunes “Workplace pension plans and saving behavior: evidence from the United Kingdom”
Session 4b: Human Resources
Craig Anderson on “Why behavioural economic perspectives in human resource management may be of interest to you?”
Iñigo Hernandez-Arenaz on “Stereotypes and the Gender Wage Gap: Effects of Stereotypes on Tournament Self-Selection
18:00: Dinner
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