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Gold: The Once and Future Money with James Rickards

Gold: The Once and Future Money with James Rickards

James Rickards joins Cambridge House International, where he discusses how gold has dominated the financial scene throughout history and how it will once again rise from the ashes and take back its rightful throne. Gold is coming.

Jim Rickards explains the day after plan... Forget gold, Silver is going out of sight.

Jim Rickards explains the day after plan... Forget gold, Silver is going out of sight.

How should you be preparing for the big one? An economic collapse looms on the horizon, but many are simply unprepared. Don't be caught off guard, heed Jim Rickards latest advice and take action before you are completely and utterly wiped out.

It's Not Just Jim Rickards, I Prescribe To $10,000 Gold

It's Not Just Jim Rickards, I Prescribe To $10,000 Gold

The imminent collapse of modern currencies will push gold up to $10,000 an ounce, assuming central banks resort back to a gold-backed monetary system, said Byron King, editor of Jim Rickards’ Gold Speculator. 

“If you take the global money supply, back it with 40% gold, you need $10,000 gold to make the math work, and that’s just using a 40% backing,” King told Kitco News on the sidelines of the PDAC 2018. “And it has to do with the eventual demise of modern currencies.”

Byron noted that gold stocks at current valuations are much more attractive now than they were two years ago, and said that today’s miners are backed by “better numbers” and “smarter geologists.” “We are in a new gold bull cycle, we’re in a blip of six or eight month downturn, but it will turn around. 

These are fundamentally good companies with great value behind them,” he said.

Jim Rickards: Where is Gold Going in 2018? The Ultimate Gold Panel

Hosted by Kitco News at the 2018 VRIC. Rick Rule, Peter Hug, and Jim Rickards join a panel where they discuss the direction that gold is heading throughout 2018 and beyond.

In addition to this, they break down a number of key issues that are affecting the markets and some that have not yet come to pass...

What is the end game?

- Source, Cambridge House




PhD Studentships UCD School of Economics

UCD School of Economics is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2018-19 PhD Scholarship scheme. The aim of the scheme is to attract applicants of the highest academic standards to participate in the UCD School of Economics PhD programme (details here) and provide them with the training, experience and mentorship necessary to their professional development.

These PhD Scholarships will comprise an annual tax-free stipend of €15,000 plus a full waiver of fees.  The scheme is open to both new applicants and existing PhD students, with the understanding that the stipend and fee waiver will continue to be provided to students up to and including their fourth year of PhD studies, subject to their continuing to make satisfactory progress in their studies and meeting the terms and requirements of their scholarship.

Students in receipt of a Scholarship are required to work as tutors in either undergraduate or graduate modules taught by the School of Economics.  This will allow PhD students to develop the practical application of their academic skills by ongoing training and experience of tutorial teaching, assessment and pedagogical development.   This taught component will amount to no more than 50 hours of teaching during each of our 12-week teaching semesters.

Selection Criteria

A selection board of School of Economics faculty members will review applications and make its recommendations on selection to the Head of School.  Applications will be evaluated and ranked by the Selection Board according to the following criteria:

Academic excellence (transcripts, previous research experience, etc.)
The academic testament of referees;
Quality and clarity of the research proposal;
Fit with the research strengths of the School;
Teaching potential (past teaching experience, English proficiency, etc.);
Availability of other funding to applicant (such as Irish Research Council awards).
Application Process

Before applying for the scholarship, applicants must have a firm or conditional offer of a place on our PhD programme.  Applicants who not yet received a Masters by September 2018 may be awarded a scholarship on a temporary basis if the student enrols in the school’s MLitt programme. However, the student must receive a Masters and transfer to the PhD programme by the start of semester 2 (January 2019) or the scholarship will terminate.

Details on the timing of scholarship application and awards for 2018/19 will be made available soon.

For students who are unsuccessful in applying for a PhD scholarship, the school also offers other forms of financial assistance, including fee waivers, hourly tutoring contracts, and marking exams.

Unintended consequences

Unintended consequences of well-intentioned policies, unexpected behavioral changes in response to ignored incentives, unusual supply (or demand) responses to demand (or supply) interventions, and clever new pathways for changes to happen are the sorts of mechanisms that make economics fun, and I hope useful to cause-and-effect understanding of human affairs.

A case in point is an Atlantic article from 2012 that a friend pointed me to last week, by Richard Sander and Stuart Taylor Jr.
... UCLA, an elite school that used large racial preferences until the Proposition 209 ban [on overt racial preferences] took effect in 1998... Many predicted that over time blacks and Hispanics would virtually disappear from the UCLA campus.
And there was indeed a post-209 drop in minority enrollment as preferences were phased out. Although it was smaller and more short-lived than anticipated, it was still quite substantial: a 50 percent drop in black freshman enrollment and a 25 percent drop for Hispanics...
...The total number of black and Hispanic students receiving bachelor's degrees were the same for the five classes after Prop 209 as for the five classes before.
How was this possible? 
Indeed, I too would have guessed, if I didn't think hard about it, that eliminating racial preferences would have to have reduced the number of minorities who graduated, and that the affirmative action argument would have gone on to other pros and cons. But that's wrong.
First, the ban on preferences produced better-matched students at UCLA, students who were more likely to graduate. The black four-year graduation rate at UCLA doubled from the early 1990s to the years after Prop 209.
Yes. Half the admits but double the graduation rate leaves constant the number of graduates.
Second, strong black and Hispanic students accepted UCLA offers of admission at much higher rates after the preferences ban went into effect; their choices seem to suggest that they were eager to attend a school where the stigma of a preference could not be attached to them. This mitigated the drop in enrollment.
Third, many minority students who would have been admitted to UCLA with weak qualifications before Prop 209 were admitted to less elite schools instead; those who proved their academic mettle were able to transfer up to UCLA and graduate there.
Thus, Prop 209 changed the minority experience at UCLA from one of frequent failure to much more consistent success. The school granted as many bachelor degrees to minority students as it did before Prop 209 while admitting many fewer and thus dramatically reducing failure and drop-out rates. 
To be absolutely clear, this post is about pathways. I do not wish to wade into a perilous pro or anti affirmative action debate, a basically radioactive topic for white male economists. (Though I am pleased to report a quick Google search that suggests both Sanders and Taylor still employed, something that might not happen if their book were published today.)

And a proponent of affirmative action could nonetheless make many arguments consistent with this work.  Perhaps dropping out of UCLA is good for people. Perhaps more minorities on campus is useful for white students' social perceptions, even if it harms its intended beneficiaries. Perhaps things were going on at other universities that drove minority upperclasspeople UCLA's way. UCLA is part of the California state system, which encourages transfers at year two, which is not the case everywhere. I also don't know how the numbers are holding up post 2012. Finally, racial preferences seem to have advantaged whites by keeping asians out, which is an interesting scandal by the silence surrounding it.

Today's post is not about this larger argument.

I'm willing to bet Brad DeLong still blogs I'm racist for even mentioning the topic, but that will be an interesting test of today's political climate.

Lectureship in Environmental Policy and Behavioural Science

Full details, including a link to apply are available here.

Applications are invited for a permanent Lecturer/Assistant Professor post in Environmental Policy. Applicants must have a PhD in environmental economics and policy or a related area, a strong, demonstrable commitment to research and international publication in environmental policy design and behavioural science, an ability to teach at University level, a capacity for graduate student supervision, a strong quantitative research and teaching ability, a commitment to translating the fruits of research into policy innovation, excellent interpersonal skills, and a capacity and enthusiasm for working in an interdisciplinary context within the School, the UCD Earth Institute, UCD Geary Institute and the wider academic community. Methodological research interests and an ability to teach environmental economics, behavioural economics, policy analysis and environmental policy design are mandatory requirements. The successful candidate will join a strong team and contribute to teaching on BSc and MSc programmes in environmental policy as well as contributing to modules of relevance to the School, College of Engineering and Architecture and the wider university.

UCD is listed in the top 1% of universities worldwide. It is a dynamic research-intensive university at the forefront of research and teaching activities across a wide range of disciplines. The School is currently ranked within the top 100 in the QS World University Rankings. Lead by the UCD Earth Institute and the UCD Energy Institute, ‘Environment and Energy’ is a stated strategic area for the University. The Behavioural Science Group in the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy brings together applications of research across universities, businesses, regulators, research groups, and government departments where a strong research theme in environmental policy design is being strengthened through the application of behavioural science principles. The School, of which the successful candidate will be a Member, are leaders in Europe in coordinating and participating in large-scale prestigious research consortia. In addition, the Environmental Policy Group are internationally recognised for expertise and experience in the direct application of environmental economics research into the policy development process, for example, the lead role played in providing research and policy support to the EU policy system for the design and implementation of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, the world’s largest environmental policy instrument. The Group has provided direct policy advice to, inter alia, the Japanese Government, Irish Government, European Commission, European Environment Agency, OECD and World Bank and our graduates work worldwide. Key thematic areas of research include: Climate change and environmental policy instruments; Behavioural science, quality of life, subjective well-being and the environment; Risk analysis, Benefit-Cost Analysis and Environmental Valuation; Environmental policy analysis and environmental governance.

Bear Stearns Anniversary

Justin Baer and Ryan Tracy have an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Bear Stearns bailout.
The Federal Reserve tried to limit the damage with extraordinary actions, first extending the firm credit before forcing it into a hasty weekend shotgun marriage to JPMorgan Chase with $29 billion in assistance.
More specifically,
Ten years ago, Bear’s crisis week began with rumors of liquidity problems following steep losses from mortgage bonds. Mr. Schwartz, the CEO, phoned JPMorgan Chief Executive James Dimon to ask for a simple overnight loan. By that Thursday, Bear’s lenders and clients had backed away, and the firm was running out of cash. Mr. Schwartz called Mr. Geithner for more help.
Fearing a Bear-induced panic could spread throughout the banking system, the Fed arranged a $12.9 billion emergency loan routed through JPMorgan. It ultimately agreed to purchase $29.97 billion in toxic Bear assets.
First, Bear lost a lot of money in mortgage backed securities. Second, like Lehman to follow, Bear was mostly financing that investment with borrowed money, and short-term borrowed money at that, not with its own money, i.e. equity capital. Small losses then made it more likely Bear would not be able to pay back its debtors. Third, there was a run.  Short term creditors ran out the doors just like Jimmy Stewart's depositors in a Wonderful Life. More interestingly, Bear's broker-dealer clients started running too. Just how investment banks like Bear were using their broker-dealer clients to fund investments is a great lesson of the event.  Darrell Duffie lays this out beautifully in The failure mechanics of dealer banks and later How big banks fail.

So, if you want to stop a run, you need to convince creditors that their money is safe. Usually, you do that by issuing more equity, "recapitalization,'' But at this point, new equity holders understand that most of their money will go to pay off creditors who otherwise aren't getting anything, "debt overhang." So we need to find a source of new equity for whom the firm will be valuable enough that it's worth paying off the creditors to get it. That's the idea of one of these last minute sales to another firm, JP Morgan.

In this case, that failed too. There wasn't enough value in the firm left. It took $29 billion more to give the appearance of a buyout which would keep Bear going as part of JP Morgan, and more importantly to pay off the creditors. (That word "reacapitalization" more and more in the passive voice, tends to mean money from the government.)

Bailouts are not of the company or the management. It is all about making sure creditors get paid, so they don't run. Bailouts are always creditor bailouts.

Needless to say, this bailout did not in the end stop the financial crisis, and $29 billion would soon seem like couch change.

So, where are we now?
"Key players in the bailout, many of whom remain in finance, have spent the last decade arguing about what was done, defending decisions made then and wondering whether it could happen again. The consensus: It would be unlikely for another big firm to get into such trouble, or for the government to orchestrate such a bailout"
I found this interesting, especially the last statement. For the other universally held truth (false in my view, but I'm a tiny minority) is that letting Lehman go under was a huge mistake and led to the financial crisis. If only the Fed had saved Lehman as it did Bear, the story goes, things would not have been so bad. So why would the government not orchestrate a bailout?
"Veteran Wall Street lawyer Rodgin Cohen, who helped shape the deal for Bear Stearns, says that if a crippled firm were on the brink today, none of its peers would arrive with a rescue. “Nobody will ever again buy a severely troubled institution,” he says. “Period.”"
Many officials in Washington feel another bailout is just as unlikely. 
Why not?

The first line of defense has always been one of these arranged last-minute marriages, in which a healthier firm takes over a failing one. This will not happen again.
Nearly everyone in charge on Wall Street today, including JPMorgan’s Mr. Dimon, says they would never buy a collapsing firm like Bear.
“No, we would not do something like Bear Stearns again—in fact, I don’t think our board would let me take the call,” Mr. Dimon wrote in his 2014 letter to shareholders. “These are expensive lessons I will not forget.”
In addition to the cost of bringing the two firms together, JPMorgan was saddled with billions of dollars in legal bills and regulatory penalties. Months after the Bear deal, JPMorgan made a similar last-minute agreement to buy Washington Mutual Inc. Of JPMorgan’s nearly $19 billion in legal costs from the mortgage crisis, some 70% stemmed from Bear and WaMu, Mr. Dimon wrote.
There were many other such deals in 2008. Wells Fargo & Co. bought Wachovia Corp., Bank of America Corp. acquired Merrill Lynch & Co. and Countrywide Financial Corp., and Toronto-Dominion Bank bought Commerce Bancorp. Today, many of these Wall Street executives say they feel betrayed by the government for hitting them with penalties tied to actions by firms they were pressured to acquire.
These days, a big financial firm rescuing another would also have to consider new restrictions on risk-taking. Banks today must pass regulatory tests before paying out profits to shareholders. In that environment, executives may be more reluctant to buy assets from a desperate seller. 
Loud and clear. Over and over, the government asks a big bank to help out by taking over a failing bank, which means agreeing to pay all that failing bank's debts.  But this time, after the fact, the government made the new owners pay billions in fines for the old company's debts. Take my trash out, asks your neighbor, and you say "sure," then he calls the EPA to report on the toxic waste now in your trash barrel. Not again. And if that weren't enough, the government's own regulations will prohibit it.

So if a bailout is needed, private help won't be there.

Well, what about government help? We got $700 billion of that too last time.
Fed help like that would be illegal today. The 2010 Dodd-Frank financial-regulation law stipulates that emergency Fed lending must be “broad-based” and cannot be “established for the purpose of assisting a single and specific company.” Financial firms, like other corporations, are supposed to go bankrupt, not get bailed out.
So what is supposed to happen? "Orderly liquidation."
If regulators and the Treasury secretary assert a bankruptcy would destabilize the financial system, Dodd-Frank provides a new backstop called the Orderly Liquidation Authority. The government would take over the failing firm, wiping out shareholders. After a weekend of work by federal officials, a new company, owned by creditors of the old firm, would open Monday morning. The government would be able lend money to the new company to keep the lights on while the government sells it off in pieces.
That is supposed to prevent a panic because people who had been doing business with the failing firm would know they could continue to do so, at least for a while.
In sum, the lifejackets (shotgun marriages) and lifeboats (government bailouts), distasteful as they are, are likely gone. Speedy bankruptcy isn't here yet. We are relying on a new and untested idea, the watertight compartments.

I have long been suspicious of "orderly liquidation." The whole premise is that big banks are too complicated to go through bankruptcy court. So, the Treasury Secretary, Fed Chair and a few other officials are going to figure out who gets what over a weekend? What would you do if a big bank owed you a few billions, was on the brink, and you suspected these fine officials would be meeting this weekend to divvy up the carcass? How about run now?
What if orderly liquidation doesn’t prevent a panic? In a crisis, problems at one firm can lead investors to “run” to cut their exposures everywhere. Even healthy companies can’t get credit, damaging Main Street as badly as Wall Street. In that scenario, there may be little U.S. regulators can do on their own. Congress might be asked to reinstate the bailout authority it took away after 2008.
“Drafting big books, massive documents, having big teams—that’s all a good idea,” says Gary Parr, a longtime deal maker who advised Bear on its sale to JPMorgan. “But when you have a company get into a liquidity crunch, if things are going really fast, you don’t have time to study a book.”
The best of all worlds is one in which nobody expects a bailout, it comes once to stop a run, and then we put the moral hazard genie back in the bottle. The worst of all worlds is one in which everyone expects a bailout, but then either by legal restriction or decision it does not come. Nobody has fire extinguishers any more, and the fire house has burned down.

Where will the next crisis come from? It always comes from a new and unexpected source, so don't plan on subprime mortgages funneled through investment banks. Look instead and ask, where is there a mountain of debt that can't be paid back, a bunch of really obscure accounting, off the books credit guarantees? China's great wall of debt suggests one answer.

The other worry  " Congress might be asked to reinstate the bailout authority it took away after 2008." Yes, but even that was authority to use borrowed money. The last crisis cost us something like $5 to $10 trillion. If the US asks for that much money again, can we get it?

But all of this ignores the basic point. Financial crises are not about the failure of specific institutions. Financial crises are about runs. One way to stop runs is to convince short term creditors that no institution will ever lose money again, or that there is a big bailout ready. The other way is to fund risky investments with lots more equity. Not to beat a dead horse over and over again, but the real lesson of Bear Stearns and Lehman is what happens if you fund  risky investments with a huge amount of short term debt. That can be fixed.

(Actually, subprime mortgages aren't even very risky. Google's self driving car is way more risky. All corporate cashflows are way more risky. Why are we spending all this money policing pools of mortgages, about the safest asset there is? Answer, because they are funded by huge amounts of run-prone short-term debt.)


Fama Portfolio

The Fama Portfolio, is a new book from the University of Chicago Press. This is a collection of Gene Fama's papers, edited by Toby Moskowitz and me. It includes introductory essays by a group of Gene's distinguished colleagues, Ken French, Bill Schwert, René Stulz, Cliff Asness, John Liew, Campbell Harvey, Jan Liu, Amit Seru, and Amir Sufi.

The essays explain the ideas in modern terms, tell you why the papers are important, explain how the papers influenced subsequent thinking, update you on where our understanding on each point is today, and speculate about where new ideas may go. The continuing vitality of this work, even parts decades old, is impressive.

The task was hard. Which Fama papers should one read? Well, all of them! but we nonetheless had to pick. We typically chose a famous one from early in one of Gene's many research programs, and then a less known later one that really sums it up clearly. Gene's ideas get clearer over time, just like the rest of ours do.

The press lets us post our essays.  Here are mine (most joint with Toby):

  1. Preface;
  2. Efficient Markets and Empirical Finance
  3. Luck vs. Skill;
  4. Risk and Return
  5. Return Forecasts and Time Varying Risk Premiums
  6. Our Colleague.
Other authors may post their essays on their webpages. Otherwise, you'll just have to buy the book!

The contents:

Preface, by John H. Cochrane and Tobias J. Moskowitz
I. Introductions
My Life in Finance
Eugene F. Fama
Things I’ve Learned from Gene Fama
Kenneth R. French
Gene Fama’s Impact: A Quantitative Analysis
G. William Schwert and René M. Stulz
II. Efficient Markets
Efficient Markets and Empirical Finance
John H. Cochrane and Tobias J. Moskowitz
The Great Divide
Clifford Asness and John Liew
Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work
Eugene F. Fama
Efficient Capital Markets: II
Eugene F. Fama
Market Efficiency, Long-Term Returns, and Behavioral Finance
Eugene F. Fama
III. Efficiency Applied: Event Studies and Skill
Fama, Fisher, Jensen, and Roll (1969): Retrospective Comments
Ray Ball
Eugene Fama and Industrial Organization
Dennis W. Carlton
The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information
Eugene F. Fama, Lawrence Fisher, Michael C. Jensen, and Richard Roll
Luck versus Skill
John H. Cochrane and Tobias J. Moskowitz
Luck vs. Skill and Factor Selection
Campbell R. Harvey and Yan Liu
Luck versus Skill in the Cross-Section of Mutual Fund Returns
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French
IV. Risk and Return
Risk and Return
John H. Cochrane and Tobias J. Moskowitz
Risk, Return, and Equilibrium: Empirical Tests
Eugene F. Fama and James D. MacBeth
The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French
Common Risk Factors in the Returns on Stocks and Bonds
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French
Multifactor Explanations of Asset Pricing Anomalies
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French
V. Return Forecasts and Time-Varying Risk Premiums
Return Forecasts and Time Varying Risk Premiums
John H. Cochrane
Short-Term Interest Rates as Predictors of Inflation
Eugene F. Fama
Forward Rates as Predictors of Future Spot Rates
Eugene F. Fama
Forward and Spot Exchange Rates
Eugene F. Fama
Dividend Yields and Expected Stock Returns
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French
The Information in Long-Maturity Forward Rates
Eugene F. Fama and Robert R. Bliss
VI. Corporate Finance and Banking
Corporate Finance
Amit Seru and Amir Sufi
Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm
Eugene F. Fama
Separation of Ownership and Control
Eugene F. Fama and Michael C. Jensen
Dividend Policy: An Empirical Analysis
Eugene F. Fama and Harvey Babiak
Disappearing Dividends: Changing Firm Characteristics or Lower Propensity to Pay?
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French
Financing Decisions: Who Issues Stock?
Eugene F. Fama and Kenneth R. French
Banking in the Theory of Finance
Eugene F. Fama
Conclusion: Our Colleague, by John H. Cochrane and Tobias J. Moskowitz


A short oped for the Wall Street Journal here  on stock buybacks. As usual, they ask me not to post the whole thing for 30 days though you can find it ungated if you search. An excerpt:
... Buybacks do not automatically make shareholders wealthier. Suppose Company A has $100 cash and a factory worth $100. It has issued two shares, each worth $100. The company’s shareholders have $200 in wealth.  Imagine the company uses its $100 in cash to buy back one share. Now its shareholders have one share worth $100, and $100 in cash. Their wealth remains the same.
Wouldn’t it be better if the company invested the extra cash? Wasn’t that the point of the tax cut? Perhaps. But maybe this company doesn’t have any ideas worth investing in. Not every company needs to expand at any given moment.
Now suppose Company B has an idea for a profitable new venture that will cost $100 to get going. The most natural move for investors is to invest their $100 in Company B by buying its stock or bonds. With the infusion of cash, Company B can now fund its venture.
 [Left out: The alternative would be for company A to lend the money to company B or to buy its stock. But why are the managers of company A, out of its own ideas, better than its investors at spotting other companies with new projects to invest the stockholders’ money?]
The frequent rise in stock price when companies announce buybacks proves the point. In my example, Company A’s share price stays fixed at $100 when it buys back a share. But suppose before the buyback investors were nervous the company would waste $40 of the $100 cash. Imagine an overpriced merger or excessive executive bonuses. Not every investment is wise! 
The $100, stuck inside Company A, would be valued by the market at $60 and the company’s total value would be $160, or $80 a share. If it spent the $100 to buy back one share, the other share would rise from $80 to $100, the value of its good factory. 
When a company without great ideas repurchases shares, the price of the remaining shares rise. This stock price rise is no gift to shareholders. It is just the market’s recognition that $100 has been saved from inefficient investment.
Full oped in 30 days.


Based on follow up commentary, it's pretty clear than 99% of people do not understand the point: It's not about what companies do with today's profits. The case for buybacks is not that cash must chase investment. The point of the tax cut is the profitability of new investment. Without that, somebody will still just sit on the cash. With that, money will find its way to new investment. Otherwise, we're just putting money from the right pocket to the left pocket. Investment in the end comes when it is profitable, looking forward. Nothing about who gets what part of today's profits has anything to do with it. I will stress this next time! A good learning experience.

Tyler Cowen has a good Bloomberg View focusing on this point, my emphasis:
A basic principle of economic reasoning is to think in terms of real resources, not just the first-round flows of money. If a major corporation engages in buybacks, that simply transfers money from one set of hands to another -- from the corporate entity to the shareholders. It doesn’t destroy real resources or determine their final disposition. The money could still go to a venture capital fund, or into private equity or a real estate investment trust, in addition to numerous other undertakings, all of which might boost investment and real wages.

On tariffs

An oped on tariffs, for Fox news here. That tariffs are bad is rather obvious to readers of this blog, but perhaps marshaling and digesting things we've known for 250 years is worthwhile.

In a remarkable achievement, President Trump has united the nation’s economists by proposing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, tariffs designed to reduce imports of those goods. Tariffs are bad for the economy. Tariffs on raw materials, produced by machine-intensive dirty declining industries are worse. Trade is good.

Trade is good. Why? Follow the money. If China sells us, say, a solar panel, what does it do with the dollars? There is only one thing to do with dollars — buy American goods, invest in America, or buy our government debt. Oh, and we also get a nice cheap solar panel.

China might use the dollars to buy, say, wheat from Australia, so it looks like China sells us more than we sell them. But then Australia must use the dollars here in America. Dollars always come home to roost.  So how much more one country sells us than we sell them — the “bilateral trade deficit” — really is pretty meaningless.

The rest of the world sells us more than we sell them. But the rest of the world uses every cent of the extra dollars it gets from that trade to invest in the U.S. and to buy our government bonds. If we sell the whole world exactly as much as they sell us every year — in other words, if there were no overall U.S. trade deficit — we’re the ones who would have to start saving huge much larger amounts of our incomes in order to invest in U.S. companies, give mortgages to people to buy houses, and to fund the governments’ $1 trillion deficits.

Think of it this way: You run a huge “trade deficit” with the grocery store. Why not grow your own food? Well, you’re not very good at growing food. And if you do, the grocer will not have money to buy what you make, or to give to the bank to fund your mortgage.

So, trade is good. And tariffs? Tariffs are not good. Tariffs on steel hurt businesses that use steel, especially those that compete with imported products made of steel. Tariffs hurt consumers, who pay more for steel-using products. But perhaps the greatest damage is to the steel industry itself. Tariffs, like all protection, shield the industry from competition. And industries shielded from competition do not innovate, do not cut costs, do not make better products. Only when the Big Three faced import competition did they start to make better cars, and cut costs.

If it is good for each country to protect its businesses with tariffs, then it is good for each state to do the same, i.e. California should keep out those cheap Arizona surfboards. A key to U.S. prosperity is precisely our Constitution’s firm ban on state politicians’ desire to please local industries with protection. Until the EU came along, the U.S. was the world’s largest free trade area. Hint: Bigger is better.

Why is this so hard to understand? Tariffs, like all protection from competition, are great for the protected business and its workers, at least for a while. If you're a practical businessperson you think the way to get the economy going is to just to replicate for the economy what is good for your business, and hand out protection to everyone. But protection only helps one business at the expense of all the others, and at the expense of consumers, and the damage is worse than the gain. What is good for an individual business is not good, scaled up, for the economy as a whole. Business people and bankers turned policy makers miss that.

Tariffs, like other protections, also help visible, large, and politically powerful constituencies. The larger pain is spread throughout the economy, in ways most of us may not even notice in day-to-day living. But it adds up.

Some of the blame belongs to Congress. The trade laws invite protection. The standard for protection is only that the industry is hurt. Imagine if United Airlines could demand that Southwest pay tariffs – an extra tax at an airport – and in order to do so United needs only to show that Southwest might hurt United’s profits.

The “national security” clause under which the Trump administration is acting is weaker still. Even the defense department doesn’t want this tariff!

We pass populist laws, and then count on administrations not to enforce them. Well, President Trump may help here too, by acting on silly laws and forcing Congress to pass sane laws.

Perhaps some of the blame belongs to economists as well. The words “deficit” and “imbalance” make it sound like something is wrong with trade.

Tariffs do have one thing going for them however – they’re better than quotas! With a tariff, at least we can measure and limit the damage — steel will be 25 percent too expensive. But you can still buy it when you need it. Under a quota, in which countries are only allowed to sell a certain amount, the damage can be much larger and you never even know.

John H. Cochrane is a Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution and an Adjunct Scholar of the Cato Institute.


There is so much good stuff on trade, it's hard to know when to stop. A friend writes

"we blockade wartime enemies to stop the flow of goods, and levy tariffs on ourselves to do the same thing!"

A colleague catches me being mercantilist. What if the dollars stay overseas, he asks? The answer is, Great! We can print dollars cheaper than the Chinese can make solar panels. Working to make exports to buy imports is a cost not a benefit. And if China wants to tax its citizens to send us cheap solar panels, or steel, the proper response is a nice thank you card with flowers and chocolates.

I cannot resist the urge to notice that at the same time we are imposing sanctions on Iran, Russia and North Korea to ... stop them from importing things. So, we are doing to ourselves exactly what we are dong at great expense to these, to hurt them.

A friend urged me to read the comments on Fox. If economists want to understand what we're up against this is a good sobering read. The amazing thing is that most of the commenters seem not to be steel workers or steel executives. They genuinely believe that laws which will force them to pay a lot more for the benefit of a very few, and will actually lower their wages or eliminate their jobs, are a good thing. They might get that banning machines is bad, but if the exact same thing -- produce more at lower cost -- is labeled "China," they don't. The art of rhetoric is understanding your audience's frame of mind, and these comments are a good education for us. Alas, I think explaining trade to the public, which is a bit like explaining why yes the earth goes around the sun from a scientific point of view, is so boring that most economists don't bother. Me included, usually, I must admit.

Economists letter on tariffs

Once per decade or so it is worth revisiting the famous 1930 economists' letter on Tariffs. (The link, at econjournalwatch.org, has a concise history and links to more.) 1028 economists -- a huge proportion of the number then around -- signed the following, urging President Hoover to veto the Smoot Hawley tariff.

We know how it turned out. No, we did not win that trade war. Well, not until about 1945.

What will this one lead to? I see some hope in that President Trump is at last uniting the country. As Greg Mankiw points out
How often do Jeffrey Sachs and the Wall Street Journal editoral writers agree?
Perhaps, as with DACA, the President using the existing law, which allows and even encourages widespread protectionism, this action will spur Congress to pass trade laws that require a bit more than vague "injury" to industry or "national security" fantasies. But I am straining to find a silver lining.

The darker possibility. Many administrations start with some policy victories -- judicial nominees, deregulation, tax reform -- and then over reach. This may be the start of over reach.

Rereading the letter, it is impressive for stressing simple truths that apparently remain mysterious to many even today. If we buy a good from overseas, the dollar must come back, either as a purchase of American goods or investment in American capital. Conversely that purchase or investment cannot happen if we do not allow foreigners to sell us things. Open trade is important to peace and stability, not just prosperity. It  stresses the final effects on people who end up paying more and working less, not just downstream producers.

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
The undersigned American economists and teachers of economics strongly urge that any measure which provides for a general upward revision of tariff rates be denied passage by Congress, or if passed, be vetoed by the President. 
We are convinced that increased protective duties would be a mistake. They would operate, in general, to increase the prices which domestic consumers would have to pay. By raising prices they would encourage concerns with higher costs to undertake production, thus compelling the consumer to subsidize waste and inefficiency in industry. At the same time they would force him to pay higher rates of profit to established firms which enjoyed lower production costs. A higher level of protection, such as is contemplated by both the House and Senate bills, would therefore raise the cost of living and injure the great majority of our citizens.
Few people could hope to gain from such a change. Miners, construction, transportation and public utility workers, professional people and those employed in banks, hotels, newspaper offices, in the wholesale and retail trades, and scores of other occupations would clearly lose, since they produce no products which could be protected by tariff barriers.
The vast majority of farmers, also, would lose. Their cotton, corn, lard, and wheat are export crops and are sold in the world market. They have no important competition in the home market. They can not benefit, therefore, from any tariff which is imposed upon the basic commodities which they produce. They would lose through the increased duties on manufactured goods, however, and in a double fashion. First, as consumers they would have to pay still higher prices for the products, made of textiles, chemicals, iron, and steel, which they buy. Second, as producers, their ability to sell their products would be further restricted by the barriers placed in the way of foreigners who wished to sell manufactured goods to us.
Our export trade, in general, would suffer. Countries can not permanently buy from us unless they are permitted to sell to us, and the more we restrict the importation of goods from them by means of ever higher tariffs the more we reduce the possibility of our exporting to them. This applies to such exporting industries as copper, automobiles, agricultural machinery, typewriters, and the like fully as much as it does to farming. The difficulties of these industries are likely to be increased still further if we pass a higher tariff. There are already many evidences that such action would inevitably provoke other countries to pay us back in kind by levying retaliatory duties against our goods. There are few more ironical spectacles than that of the American Government as it seeks, on the one hand, to promote exports through the activity of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, while, on the other hand, by increasing tariffs it makes exportation ever more difficult. President Hoover has well said, in his message to Congress on April 16, 1929, “It is obviously unwise protection which sacrifices a greater amount of employment in exports to gain a less amount of employment from imports.”
We do not believe that American manufacturers, in general, need higher tariffs. The report of the President’s committee on recent economics changes has shown that industrial efficiency has increased, that costs have fallen, that profits have grown with amazing rapidity since the end of the war. Already our factories supply our people with over 96 percent of the manufactured goods which they consume, and our producers look to foreign markets to absorb the increasing output of their machines. Further barriers to trade will serve them not well, but ill. Many of our citizens have invested their money in foreign enterprises. The Department of Commerce has estimated that such investments, entirely aside from the war debts, amounted to between $12,555,000,000 and $14,555,000,000 on January 1, 1929. These investors, too, would suffer if protective duties were to be increased, since such action would make it still more difficult for their foreign creditors to pay them the interest due them.
America is now facing the problem of unemployment. Her labor can find work only if her factories can sell their products. Higher tariffs would not promote such sales. We can not increase employment by restricting trade. American industry, in the present crisis, might well be spared the burden of adjusting itself to new schedules of protective duties.
Finally, we would urge our Government to consider the bitterness which a policy of higher tariffs would inevitably inject into our international relations. The United States was ably represented at the World Economic Conference which was held under the auspices of the League of Nations in 1927. This conference adopted a resolution announcing that “the time has come to put an end to the increase in tariffs and move in the opposite direction.” The higher duties proposed in our pending legislation violate the spirit of this agreement and plainly invite other nations to compete with us in raising further barriers to trade. A tariff war does not furnish good soil for the growth of world peace.