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PhD Studentships UCD School of Economics

UCD School of Economics is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2018-19 PhD Scholarship scheme. The aim of the scheme is to attract applicants of the highest academic standards to participate in the UCD School of Economics PhD programme (details here) and provide them with the training, experience and mentorship necessary to their professional development.

These PhD Scholarships will comprise an annual tax-free stipend of €15,000 plus a full waiver of fees.  The scheme is open to both new applicants and existing PhD students, with the understanding that the stipend and fee waiver will continue to be provided to students up to and including their fourth year of PhD studies, subject to their continuing to make satisfactory progress in their studies and meeting the terms and requirements of their scholarship.

Students in receipt of a Scholarship are required to work as tutors in either undergraduate or graduate modules taught by the School of Economics.  This will allow PhD students to develop the practical application of their academic skills by ongoing training and experience of tutorial teaching, assessment and pedagogical development.   This taught component will amount to no more than 50 hours of teaching during each of our 12-week teaching semesters.

Selection Criteria

A selection board of School of Economics faculty members will review applications and make its recommendations on selection to the Head of School.  Applications will be evaluated and ranked by the Selection Board according to the following criteria:

Academic excellence (transcripts, previous research experience, etc.)
The academic testament of referees;
Quality and clarity of the research proposal;
Fit with the research strengths of the School;
Teaching potential (past teaching experience, English proficiency, etc.);
Availability of other funding to applicant (such as Irish Research Council awards).
Application Process

Before applying for the scholarship, applicants must have a firm or conditional offer of a place on our PhD programme.  Applicants who not yet received a Masters by September 2018 may be awarded a scholarship on a temporary basis if the student enrols in the school’s MLitt programme. However, the student must receive a Masters and transfer to the PhD programme by the start of semester 2 (January 2019) or the scholarship will terminate.

Details on the timing of scholarship application and awards for 2018/19 will be made available soon.

For students who are unsuccessful in applying for a PhD scholarship, the school also offers other forms of financial assistance, including fee waivers, hourly tutoring contracts, and marking exams.

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